Friday Favorites #8 (I think?!)!

Hey Y’allll! I am doing a combo post- a recap mixed with Friday faves. Knockin’ out two calling birds with one snowball.

This past few weeks since the wedding has been filled with finishing up the research project (it’s due in less than a month!) & DJ has been working super hard too with the holiday community events. We had his company Christmas party last week which was a lot of fun!

Anywayyyyyyzzzz, what better time to share a few favorite things than the most wonderful time of the yeaaaarrr!

Ok. Let us begin!

  1. Donut Wheel Donuts- Nough’ said?! For some reason this holiday season makes us crave some donuts. We grabbed these little guys the day after we returned from the wedding.


2. Pieology. This was one of the last places for us to try on Main Street Cupertino! I think I even prefer it over Mod Pizza… which I didn’t think was possible . DJ demolished their Margherita Da Vinci, and I savored their vegan pizza with all the toppings. The only thing I will say is there largest size is a bit small. DJ was still a bit hungry after his.


3. Our Church’s Christmas Creative. Every year our Church tells the Christmas story in a festive, creative way displaying the wide array of talents those in our Church possess! It blows me away every year.


Below is just a sampling of our Children’s group who opened the show! Come on, how cute are they?!

4. This is super random, but I have to include it a la “recap” style… Spotting wildlife! I saw an actual Jack Rabbit for the first time in real life last week. Those ears are HUGE.


5. VitaFusion Biotin!!!!! I don’t why in the fuji apple it has taken me this long to jump on the biotin train. If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’d know I’ve been exceedingly frustrated as of late with my hair. The stress of this year has caused my hair to be brittle, thin, and dry. Even my go-to cure-all shampoos weren’t doing the trick. I started using biotin and have seen ALL the difference. Even my nails are remarkably stronger.


6. The Giver! Sooo this is one of those novels that most find on their grade school mandated reading list.. but for some reason I never was required to read this classic. It has been sitting around my mini library for a long time (we’re talking years on years). I walked past it the other day and emphatically (and randomly) decided to give it a go. I flew through it in a couple days. I was a little perturbed at the ending. I feel like there could have been a part two. But overall I’m a sucker for the dystopian fiction. Orwell and Huxley were most definitely on that required reading 😉


7. Cassie’s Cookery! One of my favorite bloggers, and good friends, Cassie, over at Cassie’s Cookery created her first cookbook. OK, these recipes are INCREDIBLE. I cannot wait to dive in. She is one of the first people that brought to light how scrumptious sweet potatoes are for breakfast. Check out her amazing blog right NOW!


8. Beyond Meat: The Beyond Burger!!!                  (pause for dramatic effect)…. DJ asks me to snatch these from the store every time I go. That says a lot considering he is a meat eater through and through. These are uncannily good and even bleed like real burgers (from beet juice). I dare you, all you vegan skeptics, to give this a go! The way it sizzles, tastes, and smells is the equivalent of a juicy burger. I wouldn’t lie to you now would I?!


9. Beautiful Anonymous Podcast. I don’t know why I haven’t included this before in a FF. I feel like maybe I did, but I don’t remember expounding on it. Anywho- This is one of my ALL time favorite podcasts. For one hour flat Chris Gethard talks to an anonymous stranger (who calls in when he tweets out the number) about anything and EVERYTHING. They are entirely anonymous (ya don’t say?) so the stories people share are fascinating. There are no “holds barred” in the words of Chris.


10. All things Christmas!!!! I did an “all things Fall” Friday Faves last time, so what the heck, I’m sticking with the seasonal fave. We were late to the game this year getting our tree and decor up. But we finally did this past Monday!

img_4435img_4440img_4436img_4438We wanted to continue our tradition of going out and chopping down a tree, but this time around none of our days off lined up, so we settled with finding one at a tree farm.


We saw this little guy instantly and knew it was the one!


Happy Holidays, y’all. I’ll be working the 23, 24, and 25th, so please eat some extra helpings for me <3


What’s YOUR Friday Favorite?!

xo <3


40 thoughts on “Friday Favorites #8 (I think?!)!

  1. I NEED biotin. So much so my MacBook capitalized itself. That jack rabbit can easily be mistaken for Bambi – maybe they’re feeding him biotin gummies too!

    1. YAAASS!!! Okay– first, can we talk about how delayed I am to responding to this?! YIKES! How the heck are ya?!?! I MISS YOU! Girl, Biotin works so great. Let me know how ya like it!

  2. Oh so glad you posted about Biotin. Your hair always looks gorgeous so I never knew you needed it but I have taken a high does biotin for about 5 months now and finally I feel like my hair has grown an extra inch which I will take!! Hooked on it so welcome to the biotin club! And loved your little jack rabbit, adorable. Your apartment looks so lovely all decorated. Sorry you have to work so much over Christmas but you will surely bless all the patients who have to be there with your magical warmth, smile and care for them. Thanks for another great blog, and I want those doughnuts, all of them right now!!!! Love you!!!

    1. Awww!!! Thank you, Mom! Oh my goodnesss I am comically so late to responding to this. Biotin is the BEST! I can’t believe I haven’t tried this sooner. I think I remember you mentioning it too! Thank you for your sweet words and love. Don’t know what I’d do without you <3 Sending big hugs. Let's get donuts when you come visit next! Love you!! XO

  3. Your hair has looked and does look gorgeous! I love all of your Christmas décor, and your tree is adorable! Those donuts {all the heart eye emojis} Hope you have a fabulous weekend! XO

    1. Aww, thanks, Kori!! You are too sweet… girl-those donuts were next level. I can’t wait to catch up on your happenings so soon. Hope you had the best holiday and have a wonderful New Year! XO

  4. Ahhh another Mack post! Also twins because I just did a Friday Favorites post too! <3
    I LVE your cover photo! That tree is adorable!
    And oh my lanta of course you started with food! Now I am SO hungry! Those donuts look amazing! And that pizza doesn’t look half bad either! (okay apparently I need to eat something!
    I love that! Those kids are so adorable and so dipping talented!
    Oh my gosh! That rabbit looks half kangaroo! That is crazy!
    Bwahaha fuji apple! I love your words! And girl yes to biotin! And also could you be any prettier? Your hair is looking so gorgeous! but yo are stunning anyway! But seriously #hairgoals!
    Ahhh more food! And seriously that tree!
    Oh my lanta I have look into that podcast! That is amazing!
    And girl your decorations are on fleek! Santa would be so proud! I love it! So festive!
    Huge hugs! Continued positive vibes and prayers for your paper! That stinks you have to work bt I hope you guys can celebrate at a later date! SO much love to you beauty! <3 Happy Holidays! <3

    1. HEY GIRLLLLL!!!!!! Yay, another Kate comment!!! I am gonna go search through the archives and find that Friday Faves of yours! (or if you want to share the link?!). The donuts were out of this stinking world. Toooo good. Annoyingly good. I dream about them daily good. You are too sweet to me, do you know how much you build my confidence?! jus love ya, lady! AWWW! I hope Santa would be proud, lol. Even though our Christmas was pretty unconventional, it was still a great memory. I send you big ole Christmas hugs and a squeeze for the New Year. (HOW IS IT GOING TO BE 2018?!?!!?).

      1. Ahhh I a,ways get so excited when you comment! Yes I will definitely Italy share the link!:) they look it! Haha I hear you! Awe huge hugs. I mean every word beauty. I love you! He would be! Huge Holiday hugs! Merry. Hristmas sweets and a very Happy New Year!💗

  5. AHHH it’s great to see you that you’re enjoying yourself during the holidays! I definitely sometimes get into negative thoughts about “I shouldn’t indulge myself” – HOWEVER, I know that health means both internal health and physical health. Maintaining that balance, especially during the holidays is so important because you have to love yourself before you can fully love others. Hope you’re having an amazing holiday season! xoxo Steph

    1. Thank you, love!!!! GIRLL! Knick those thoughts! Rules and regulations are the enemy. I used to be so anxious for these holidays but am learning to be more present in the moment and not let these scary thoughts rule me. It’s hard, I get it… but you are doing amazing <3 You are a gorgeous, strong, lovely, gracious, and admirable person, steph. Sending you the biggest hugs this holiday season! XO

      1. Yes, PREACH! I recently came back from a winter retreat with my church and spoke to one of my pastors about my ED. She gave me such helpful advice. I’ll definitely pop over and email to you about what she told me. I was thinking about you the whole time during the retreat after hearing my pastor’s words! Have lots of fun ringing in the new year with your family! xoxo Steph

      2. Oh my goshhhh! No way! I cannot wait to read. I am embarrassingly behind on e-mails, but I will read it ASAP. That means the world that you thought of me too, girlfriend. Sending massive massive hugs! Hope you had the best start to your new year as well, love!

    1. WHHHHATTTT! Ok… this just changed my world, flipped it upside down! I am going to hunt them down RIGHT NOW! Thank you tons for telling me about this, Tara. Hope you had a good Christmas. I need to hop over to your brand new (amazing) blog and catch up. I’ve been thinking about you often and praying for ya. Sending all my love!

    1. RIGHT?!?!?!? So glad I’m not alone. Ok.. apparently there are a few other books in the series?! Another blogger (Tara from Runandlivehappy) commented about them. I am going to hunt them down now!

  6. I’ve never had pieology because I wasn’t sure if I’d like it or not, I also haven’t even tried MOD pizza but if you say pielogy is better…then I’ll have to try it, it’s literally right next to chipotle at the mall XD
    and omg that jack rabbit!!!! cuteee ears! I still need to try biotin as well, my nails are very weak due to me washing my hands SO often! My hair is a little dry and frizzy but I think that’s normal for my hair, then again I wouldn’t know, but trying biotin will allow me to see results lol.
    I’d love to try that vegan burger, there’s the “impossible burger” in a few restaurants and I want to go try it, and want to take Alex and my neighbor too. they’re big on meat so i want to see if they’re willing and i’d like to know what they think of it. i still haven’t seen these at the store, perhaps maybe at only natural stores, so i’ll have to go hunt for it lol
    and cute tree! i love how you decorated it! i wish i could get a real one but i also don’t have a huge space for it

    1. Girl, your list is GROWING!!! how about you just bring your stinking cute family here and we will do a grand tour of all the eats?! Lol. I was shocked to see that bunny… I was like is this real life?! It seemed like a cartoon type animal. And trying the Biotin can’t hurt! I was skeptical but now I swear by it. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous though.. not sure you really need it at all. TRY THE IMPOSSIBLE BURGER! SO delish! Let me know if you do how you like it. And you can ALWAYS find a small cute little live tree! They do exist at tree farms, just to keep in mind for next year 🙂 But a tree is a tree.. real or fake. Matters not! XOXO

      1. LOL it truly is, and eventually we will go. 🙂 It might take us a while to save up (with me not having a job an all) but we will make it happen 🙂
        Yes, I really want to try the impossible burger, there are a few restaurants that serve it, I’m finding it hard to pick one LOL

      2. Yes girl. You WILL! And SF will always be here when you’re ready <3 Let me know when you try the impossible burger!! I hope you have had the most beautiful start to your new year, dear! XOXO

  7. OKAY. We would have so much freaking fun together in person, I’m now sure of it. 1. seeing wildlife makes me squeal in excitement. 2. The Giver is my FAVORITE book in the whole world!!! Annnnnd 3. donuts and pizza helloooo 😀 Miss you girl! I’m glad I finally had time to stop by and catch up on your posts. Hope life is treating you well XOXO

    1. Uhhhh HECK TO THE YES we would!!! and it will happen one day. We will make sure of that! That little jack rabbit made me squeal too.. and no way!!! I hear there are others in the Giver series?! I need to look those up. Have you read?! And girl, donuts and pizza are what dreams are made of. I . MISS. YOU! I am so annoyed that whenever I try to comment it doesn’t let me, but I still keep up with you (although I am a tad behind right now). I send the biggest hugs and hope you are SUPERB. I know you will KILL 2018 in the most fashionable way. Also, you need to get that cookbook published. XOXO

    1. Isn’t the little guy so cute?!? Thank you!!!! I need to restock on my biotin right now!! Thanks, love 🙂 hope you are having a great week!

      1. The week is going fabulously. I can’t wait for Saturday….I’m going to an event to raise money for pups and kitties. It’s super fun and speaking of super, this year is super hero themed! Hahahaha. 🙂

      2. Oh so good to hear!!!! That’s awesome!!! And oh my goodness- are you dressing up or anything?! That’s too cute, and sounds like a great time!

      3. Not dressing up as a super hero, but something semi fancy, but dog friendly! Hahaha, which means the fabric has to stand up to dog paws! 😉

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