Facebook HQ Tour & Clearing Things Up!

Hello Everyone! I have been holding off doing an update post because I’ve been hoping to have a definite answer by now from the last school… but STILL nothing. They said late February/Early March, so I’m going NUTS. Sounds like everyone else is going crazy too based on the AllNurses.com thread I am following like a stalkery psychopath. I have been refreshing my portal every five seconds (where the decision will be posted). I’m loooosing it! This is torturous!

Also, I get that my whole job/school situation is SUPER confusing… so I want to try to clear things up for y’all who are not quite sure what the heck is happening, I can barely keep it straight myself: (or just skip this because, honestly, who cares haha).

  • In 2016 I graduated from a four year nursing school in Indiana with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing.
  • When DJ and I moved to California, it took me nearly eight months for the state of California to give me the OK to take my boards (If you followed me from the beginning you know the insanity that was!)
  • I started my one year Registered Nurse Residency program Spring 2017 on a neurosurgical unit. This means I am an employed nurse, but the residency is different as you have a more intensive preceptorship, are part of a cohort that you meet with about once a month, have a research project, and classes to enhance your clinical skills and learning. Nurse residency programs are a newer concept so this is where it is often confusing- it is not school, it is employment, just more supportive, learning focused, and integrative than traditional new nurse positions. Highly recommend.
  • I am coming to my one year with this program and graduate March 13th. (I’m also speaking at it, so prayers that that goes well would be MUCH appreciated). I present my research March 21st. After that I will continue to work on my unit for now, I just won’t have the extra class work or research project.
  • I am currently applying for graduate school to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. I have always wanted to be a general FNP, and am now considering more than ever possibly becoming specialized in neuroscience so maybe I can work at an outpatient neuroscience clinic eventually.
  • I am awaiting one last school’s decision before making my final decision. This decision is a big one because it determines where we are going to be living this fall.

Does that clear it up a bit?!

*refreshes portal*-  yup, still nothing.

Now we go wayyyy back! February 16th was my Dad’s birthday. My Dad passed away in 2009, and for some reason his birthdays always seem the hardest day for me. More than the actual day of passing, more than the holiday season (those are still difficult though)…. I think it’s because it’s the one day that was all about him. With holidays, we have new traditions/memories to buffer the pain. With his day of passing there aren’t great memories to miss or create a sobering wistful nostalgia contrasted with the grief and loss. But with his birthday, there isn’t much in between now and then… It is a purely bittersweet day. There exists what was and now a forever gaping “since then”. My family has had a hard time getting all together in the middle of February with our schedules, so the day immediately brings back the fond memories of going to Outback Steakhouse (his favorite) and having the whole family in one place. It is those memories that leave me missing him horribly and missing my family too. This year was a bit different though. Being in California, it doesn’t “feel” like his birthday without the blistering snow, Ohio quietness and gray skies. I sometimes am afraid I’m not honoring or remembering him properly- I wanted to go to Outback for lunch, but it didn’t work out with DJ’s schedule, and I had a string of work days coming up, so I hardly had any time in between. I talked to my siblings, that always helps-  but I just wish we could have all been together. I decided to take the day to remember and reflect- his kind heart, his unmatchable sense of humor, his sheer intelligence, his goofiness, and selflessness. I listened to those couple of voicemails I have saved from him that I know will both crush my heart and cause me to laugh through the tears. I wish that he could be in these blog updates and posts, and I wish he was going to see me graduate from this program next week. However, I like to think he knows, and is celebrating, just from afar. <3

I started the morning going to Target Express near us to fill in groceries that we were missing. On my way back to the apartment, I spotted that Main Street Cupertino had red lanterns held everywhere- I remembered it was Chinese New Year!

They had fun tents set up for the local businesses and people were bustling trying to snag some free SWAG.


There were fun little dog structures made of grass and succulents. I was so impressed! How are people so creative?!


I meal prepped for the day and prepped for work. When the evening rolled around, we had the awesome opportunity for a tour of Facebook HQ with our friend Tammy who works there.


We walked into a pristinely clean lobby with a nook with an almost misplaced homeliness with a mini oculus set up.


The woman at the front desk greeted us and had us give her our IDs. I had my ID out and ready in the car, and before getting out of the car I accidentally left it on the seat. When I realized this she went, “Oh no problem! Do you have Facebook? Just give me your name and I can verify with your picture!”. Too funny.


She then told us to help ourselves the the drinks in the fridge and showed us where the bathroom was. I walked over to survey the free hydration station and saw only two things in the fridge- Diet Coke and Water. I laughed- Diet Coke was my Dad’s favorite bev. I told my sister earlier that day I wasn’t going to have time to go to Outback or do anything big to celebrate him, and she said, “Just drink a stinkin’ Diet Coke!”. I took a picture of this serendipitous moment to send her.


Typically I wouldn’t take note of a bathroom, but this was the most stocked up public bathroom I have ever seen. It had EVERYTHING you could need, including hairspray. For some reason the hairspray made me chuckle.


Tammy and Ben (Ben is Tammy’s husband) (also you may remember I met with them a couple weeks ago for lunch), met us in the Lobby and we immediately headed to the dining room for some dinner. Emojis greeted us, dancing along the walls. I was already mesmerized by the amount of meticulous detail pointing back to the Facebook Empire.


They had multitudinous options for dinner, buffet style. Everything has a label and names each ingredient. They had plenty of delicious vegan (and non-vegan) options. When you are a Fbook employee, ALL the food is free (with the exception of a couple super specialty places). They say the first year you work there you gain the “Facebook Fifteen”. Most have verified this rumor has quite a bit of validity. I can see why!


Oh, and let’s not forget, they also have beer and wine available for their employees. Drinking on the job is not exactly discouraged around the Fbook HQ. People had drinks sitting at their work stations and we were told during meetings it’s not unusual for people to bring in a glass of wine.


Naturally, they have endless supplies of non- alcoholic bevvys including La Croix galore, Vitamin Water Zero (I love the lemonade one), and teas on teas on teas. Disneyland. Just Disneyland.


The food was TREMENDOUS. Mmmmm mmm. I had a sampling of everything and was not disappointed one little bit.


We then got a night tour of the property. Tammy said I’d have to come back in the daytime. Stay tuned for a part 2 sometime!


The main drag is literally a town. There are plenty of diverse restaurants for any palate, a barber shop, ice cream shop, a Hub shop (to get your bike fixed), and an arcade! If you need to de-stress, no problem- just go play some video games on your lunch break. LOL.


They have a little bridge connecting two buildings that they modeled off the Golden Gate, too cute!


Then… for the most epic part…. getting to try Virtual Reality for the first time.


It’s against Fbook rules to take pictures of the TV screen, but there was a screen right in front of where I’m standing. The TV shows everyone else in the room what I am seeing. With the headset on, I can see 360. It TRULY feels like you are standing somewhere else. It’s trippy. Tammy asked me if I was afraid of heights. I pridefully said, “Heck no, bring it on”. As soon as the screen transitioned I found myself on top of a building overlooking a good 1200 feet drop. My mind was tricked, and my heart started racing, my palms began to sweat and I began to panic. I had to actually take a moment, breathe and remind myself that I was not in fact overlooking a plunge to my death, but I was standing in a room with a very flat floor.


Tammy encouraged me to explore my surroundings. I got down and looked over the edge, not daring to get that close while standing. I then navigated the rafters, the steel planks, and the surrounding buildings. I did all this within a small three foot space.


We then did one where a dinosaur chases you. I had everything in me that wanted to turn and run, but I kept reminding myself, “this is not real!”.

The last one I did was a game where you chop up a bunch of fruit with a sword. I get super competitive in these things, okay?!? I know I look ridiculous, but come on’… serious about my fruit.


DJ’s turn!


I then worked through the weekend, caught up on sleep, errands, and misc. to-do things on February 19th and 20th. On the 21st, I headed to my annual Dental checkup. I actually look forward to going to the dentist, not because of the actual dental part, but because of the people. I wouldn’t usually include something this silly in an update post, but it is a BIG deal that I have only needed one dental appointment this year. When we first moved here, I felt like I lived at the dentist office. (Hence how I know the staff so well). I had a root canal within a couple weeks of unlocking our door for the first time and had several follow up appointments to finish the repair and place the final cap. I was given a clean bill of health this time around, and no dental procedures are in my near future!


I had about a million things on my to-do list for the day, but it was so beautiful out and all I wanted to do was blast my music and walk down the quaint street of downtown Los Altos. So I did. I was surprised at my ability to “waste” time and not feel too anxious about it, but I also think I needed this. I knew March was bringing with it a new level of stress and busyness that I was going to be wishing I had taken a couple seconds to chill, breathe some fresh air, and just relax.


And for the love of God, you guys, please do not hurt their plants! lol.


I decided with a clean bill of dental health and swag in my music fueled steps to treat myself to some solid mediterranean cuisine.


Occasionally I like eating by myself. I don’t do it often, but I find it so relaxing. Usually I’ll bring my laptop to blog or a book to read. I sat inside Cafe Nur, my to-do list tucked away in my purse and deeper tucked in the back of my mind. I savored my vegetarian sampler, sipped my Pellegrino and blasted my favorite Spotify playlist. I reflected upon what a nutty year this has been, and I was only one month from overcoming the most difficult obstacle I have ever faced: Nursing. I began to get emotional—overwhelmed with relief, gratitude, and yet excitement of what is to come. This calls for extra pita.


To prolong the procrastinative (not a word, but it should be) state, I decided to go for a long run out in the glorious sun. Mid-run I received an email from my Residency Program Coordinator saying she was still looking for a class rep to speak at our graduation. I don’t know if I had soaked up too much sun or was on a high on baba ganoush and running adrenaline but I volunteered. As I sent the message I both regretted it and applauded the strangely uncharacteristic act. I think deep down I felt that I wanted to express gratitude to all who have helped me and my cohort classmates survive this year. I also want to let my cohort know what bomb nurses they are and how thankful I am to have done this year with them. This year has been the craziest, most challenging, worst and yet most rewarding year of my existence. What is one more challenge?


I spent the rest of the day in go-mode. Laundry, food prep for the next couple days of work and for DJ, clean, answer e-mails, and start a draft for a speech that I hope I make it through without vomiting on stage. We had our FINAL class March 22nd. We decided to do a massive potluck to go out with a bang. I made an array of veggies accompanied by pita chips and popcorn (since my coworkers find my obsession with popcorn quite hilarious).. I had to stay true to character.


Proud of my hard work (aka not cutting my finger while chopping up veggies), I shot a text to my mom….


Hey now, I didn’t adopt the California lifestyle, the Cali life adopted me!

Let’s just say, us nurses know how to whip up a pot-luck.


And what’s a celebration without cake?!


I and DJ worked the next few days. I then had the weekend off! Sunday night, DJ was hankering some In n’ Out. When you have an In n’ Out craving there is only one thing that will satisfy: In n’ Out. I had already meal prepped and was craving my massive salad awaiting me at home, but I tagged along so we could have some extra time together.


Monday night= BEST night of the week. Bach time!!!! Y’all this season though. Too many thoughts… I won’t even get started. But jeeez la freaking louise. It is something! Per usual, we make our giant mega cookie out of pillsbury cookie dough. It’s tradition. It does not feel right to have bach without it. We literally refer to it as “Mega” like another family member. “Hey Deej, can you bring me mega?”. This night I had to go to bed immediately after Bach since I worked three in a row (including that Monday), but I relished the couple moments I had in between sleeps.


After working overtime and tryna’ just keep my eyelids open, I decided to do my old tradition of getting a solid workout in after breakfast and then heading to Peet’s. My heart fluttered as I had set aside this day to finish up my speech. It didn’t take as long to write as I had anticipated. Once it was finished up and I saw my good ole’ friends at Peet’s from back in the NCLEX studying days, I hit up the local TJ’s to see what was cooking. I went in without a grocery list. You see, you don’t go to TJ’s with a list, you let TJ’s tell you what you need.

*Refreshes portal*- ugh, still nothing.


I also went to Sprout’s to stock up on some carbonated beverages.. I go through stages where I CRAVE soda. I try to stay away from anything with aspartame (minus the diet coke from a couple weeks prior 😉 ). Some of my faves include Hansen’s and Zevia. Many don’t like Zevia because of it’s aftertaste (totally get it), but I’ve been hooked on it for years.


*Refreshes portal*- nope.

I meal prepped for the rest of the week and work days. Salad includes tons of veggies/tofu/hummus/ and balsamic glaze.


Friday, the evening of the 2nd, we stopped by DJ’s Dad’s house to visit with his family. I have missed them horribly! A healthy dose of family time was just what I needed to survive a pretty heavy weekend in the hospital.

This past Sunday the 4th, DJ had to get up with me under the full blown moon (4:30 am). I was so excited about this that I had to snap a shot of us taking the elevator down to our cars simultaneously and had someone to eat breakfast with!


After a super tiring work weekend (still recovering), we had Indian last night that I picked up from TJ’s with naan and white wine. Such a great combo. We lazily glued ourselves to the couch and the television as we watched Arie the Asinine make an absolute fool of himself. Y’all I hate to talk bad about ANYONE, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and actually thrive off “difficult personality” patients, but Arie.. I can’t deal with him. And I’m pretty sure he is a sociopath. He exhibited ZERO empathy during that break up. Ugh, my heart broke for both girls. Ok I need to stop before I get myself in trouble. *Deep breaths, deep breaths*.


If you hung in with me through this full post, you deserve an award.

*Refreshes portal one last time* *buffering* – humbug. Still notta goose egg zero zilch. 

On a totally unrelated note, my favorite (and only) pair of yoga pants that I’ve had since Freshman year of college got a hole in them this week. An unsalvageable hole. Needless to say, I am in need of a shopping spree, much to hubby’s dismay. It’s gonna be hard to find replacements for those beloved pants, but alas, it is time to invest in some new basic girl attire.

xo <3


40 thoughts on “Facebook HQ Tour & Clearing Things Up!

  1. You and your writing are adorable!!! I’m so sorry about the loss of your father. You write very eloquently and from the heart. He would be super proud of you! Your tour at Facebook HQ – wow!! I would love to do that one day. Also, I, too, love to dine solo some days. Nothing wrong with it! It’s awesome that you were able to reflect so deeply on this past year. Your relaxation and ability to postpone meal prep and tasks was so needed. I love being productive but know downtime is very necessary! Thank you for such a thorough post. Much love, girl!

    1. You know how to give out the sweetest compliments! Thank you, Kori!!! <3 And DEFINITELY put it on your list. I didn't know what to expect immediately, but it was too cool. I'm hoping to go back soon during the daylight so I can see more of the campus! Thank you for affirming that it is A OK to just embrace that downtime. I look up to you and how you manage your time so well during the week, so it makes me feel not so bad about pushing those big to-dos off a little. Thank YOU for reading such a long winded post, lol. Have a perfect weekend, girlfriend. Can't wait to read all about it hopefully sooon 🙂

      1. 💖💖💖 That is so sweet of you to say! I definitely have better weeks than others with my time management, but I try to be productive. 🙂 It’s been a great, relaxing weekend! XO

  2. I had no idea nurse residency was a thing! Thanks for sharing because I’ll be honest, I was a tad confused about what was going on since you mentioned classes but you were also a full blown nurse. Facebook HQ looks crazy cool! I don’t know how people wouldn’t gain weight when they start working there. So many temptations all around!

    Sending some love to you even though your dad’s birthday has passed <3 Sipping on a diet coke was a great way to remember and celebrate him Mackenzie!

    Also you will ROCK your speech!! I have total faith in you for that one. I hope you get good news from this last school. Definitely a big decision but just remember that everything happens for a reason! So even if you don't get in, God is working to make something special happen for you.

    1. Aww, thanks for reading, girlfriend! I’m so glad this cleared it up a bit. If you have any friends that nurses make sure they know about them- such a great opportunity, but they aren’t super common.

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Maureen. And you are SO right. This was JUST the pep talk I needed going into this coming crazy week! <3 <3 Thankful for ya! Have a great weekend 🙂

      1. I’ll definitely tell my nursing friends! I’m sure some would be really interested.

        You’re welcome girl! Have a fantastic week even if it’s crazy <3 Happy graduation week!

  3. That Facebook tour looked like so much fun. That cracked me up when they could just find you on Facebook. You are in the system!!! And the portal updates had me chuckling. I hope you hear from them soon!

    1. It is sooo cool, Katy! Seriously- there isn’t much Texas doesn’t have, but if you ever manage to find yourself in the Cali area, I would say a Fbook tour is a must! Thank you for stopping by!!! Much love <3

  4. Girl we are on the same wave length! I was just wondering how you were and if you had heard anything! And low and behold there is a Mac post eeeekkkk!
    Huge hugs that is SO frustrating! keeping my fingers crossed you hear from them…TODAY! And girl I am so impressed at your dedication! You rock at what ever you put your mind too, but you are especially such an incredible nurse and all around human being. I am so proud of you and in serious awe of you!
    You are going to kick speech booty! You will be amazing! Seriously you amaze me! <3
    Oh sweets I just wish I could give you a huge hug (can you believe it was a year ago we met? I seriously wish I was in Cali right now as we are getting slammed with snow Ughhh!!!) This made me tear up (It was allergies I swear!) Birthdays are hard. I think it is a reminder of what they have missed. And it also begs all the what ifs. What would they be doing right now? What would they think? Would they be proud of who I am? And sweets your dad would be so proud of you! He is looking down on you with a great big smile on his face and cheering you on. Huge huge HUGE hugs!
    Ummm How do I get a job with Facebook? Oh my lanta it looks amazing! All that food! AND those pictures of you playing that virtual reality game is SO funny! And also you are the cutest! I definitely would not look that good playing a game. And I also get a little competitive…oops!
    Ahhh I love it! We all need a me day! And did I mention you are the cutest!? And that picture of the cart with flowers. LOVE! It needs to be framed.
    Girl. Girl. GIRL! I thought of you hardcore last night and the night before. I got hooked on the bachelor. I never watch it but I got HOOKED! And oh my lanta Ari is such an knobhead! Seriously can not handle him! And can not even get over the fact he proposed to Lauren in front of Becca! But so happy she is the bachelorette (and yes now I have to watch the new season!) And I am obsessed with Lincoln! His accent and when he called Arie a wanker I can’t! So cute and funny!
    I hope you have an amazing day and week ahead and you hear something! Love you mucho beauty! <3

    1. It’s like God knows when I need a Kate pep talk when I need it!!! YOU ARE THE GREATEST FRIEND. Thank you, thank you, love! How has it been a year already!?!?!?! Oh gosh, now this is not ok. A whole year CANNOT pass without either you in cali or me in NYC!

      You are SO right about why the birthdays are hard– I hadn’t thought about it like that, but how true. It really does beg, “what if” . Thank you so much, K, every time I hear “your dad would be proud” it brings a tear to my eye but also is sooo affirming because how else can we better honor our love ones than living good lives and trying to show some light in this world? Thank you for the hugs, I feel um’ right now through your words!

      OKKKKK hold the freaking phone!!!! This might be dangerous with the both of us watching this show, hahah. I agree 100% with everything you said- “knobhead” …. bahah, I need to tuck that one in my back pocket. I cannot wait for next season, and I agree, gosh what is it with accents?! Can’t wait to chat allll through next season with ya! Hope this weekend is SUPERB. I am about to head to wine country to see my momma, and with the weight of this coming week, this comment really encouraged me. LOVE YOU SO MUCH! <3

  5. hey Kenzie! loved this looong post and getting to catch up on your life! Nurse life = busy life, huh?! I had never heard of nurse residency programs – prob just like you said — bc they are not as well known lol… but that is so interesting! also, question about your meal prep with salads :: do the greens hold up under hummus when you prep them ahead of time? so curious bc I’ve never meal prepped salads! thanks girl <3

    1. Aw, Jess! Thank you SO much for stopping by! Lol, this is a very LONG post. Sooooo busy too, you’ve got that right. And yes! I just tuck the hummus in a corner of the tupperware, but it doesn’t mess up the greens at all. I add the dressing when I actually eat the salad. I usually make 4-5 in advance! XOX

  6. I hope your speech goes well!!! (It will :)) Your dad DOES know and he is proud! ♡
    That’s so funny that she just looked up your Facebook profile when you forgot your ID! 😂 & their buffet is freaking amazing, are you serious? Working for FB is my new dream job lol.
    The photos of DT Los Altos are so beautiful! The little sign to not hurt their plants is too cute. Sometimes I like eating alone, too!!
    That naan from TJ’s looks so good!
    I love reading your posts, Mackenzie, they are always so fun! I’m really hoping you get your final answer soon soon soon! ♡

    1. Thank you, love! It went so well, I will share more in the next post <3 Thank you for your sweet words. Isn't Facebook HQ the best?! Blew away any expectations for me. I agree- it's my dream job too. I inquired if they needed any nurses, hahah. Thank you so so much for taking the time and leaving such an encouraging comment. Sending you so much love, girlfriend!!!

  7. Thanks for another amazing post! So interesting to see inside of Facebook! Standing on that virtual ledge is just wild! I am so excited that next Monday, yes only 5 days away I will actually be out there seeing you and DJ in person!!!!! I simply can’t wait!!!!! So looking forward to your graduation and your speech will be so impactful and powerful I’m sure because you truly went through so much as you experienced and conquered this last year!!! So so so so proud of you! See you Monday, love saying that!

    1. One time we should take you guys! It’s amazing. Ahh I am so behind to responding and so sad the trip has already come and gone- BUT some of the best memories were made. <3 LOVE YOU!

  8. Oh my gosh, my boyfriend works at FB in Austin, TX and when I went on the tour I had the exact same reaction – THE DRINKS, THE SNACKS, THE FOOD, THE GAMES?! Like WHAT?! Unreal.
    I also find it so interesting reading about other (especially woman’s) career goals and journeys! I feel like, given that we’re with our work fam 90% of the time, we tend to gravitate in our social circles to people who do similar things as us, so it’s so refreshing to hear about a career path I don’t know much about! I wish you so much luck.

    1. WAIT!!! I had no idea they had other big branches like this?! Sheesh louise, who do they think they are?! Lol. I love that you’ve been. I need to go back during the day. My husband and I keep saying Austin is somewhere we could live one day. Thanks for taking the time to stop by here!! What is your main gig?! Obviously now a days the word “career” takes many faces and forms. I’d love to hear & support you too, girlfriend!!

      1. Yes – apparently they’re in multiple cities! I am a Marketing Manager at a retail department store and live/work in NYC!

      1. The FB HQ looked pretty neat. And I looove that cherry blossom mural and all the little succulents! <3
        And I soo miss In-n-Out! Last time I had it was like almost two years ago? There's one here in Oregon but I think I have to make a 3 or 4 hour drive 🙁

  9. Hi Mackenzie, I really feel for you having to play the waiting game. It can’t be easy but hopefully it will come soon. Thank you for sharing your nursing history up to now! You have being a busy lady. It can’t be easy Not having your dad around anymore. I am sure that he is watching over you and protecting you. The Facebook tour you did looks amazing! It must be on a very big complex. I love that the employees get to have a glass of wine! I guess it is something that will not happen in your job. I love the virtual reality photos of you and DJ. I love the virtual reality photos of you and DJ. I like to eat by myself too sometimes, it’s good just to relax and take in your surroundings. The potluck that all the nurses put together looks amazing! It must be great to be done with classes. That cake looks amazing! It’s too bad that your yoga pants got a hole in them, but now you can have some fun shopping. I am sending prayers your way for your upcoming speech, have a great weekend Dear, hugs, Terri💗

    1. Hi Terri! Thank you so much for your empathy!!! I have some exciting news- will share soon! Facebook is massive … I was shocked. If you ever get the chance so worth the tour! Lol- yes NEVer Will that be the case for my job 😉 only after! Haha. Thank you for your sweet words always ❤️

  10. I just checked back today to see if you might have gotten any news (I read this post a couple of days back and got distracted before I responded!) … it must be so nerve-wrecking!!!!!!!! I continue to pray for you – it is a big one, having to move again!

    I love FBHQ: it’s like a high-tech Disneyland (and I LOVE Disneyland!). I can’t believe all that fun and food that they have! FB 15: I get that!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about Dad: it is so personal and so heartfelt. I cry with you. Sending you BIG HUGS!

    1. Hi hi! Awwwww!! This is all too kind that you care enough to check back in!! I am excited to make the next post 😉 THANK YOU for your prayers. It was a crazy nerve wrecking weeek, but all went so well. YES high tech Disneyland is right! Thank you so much for being such a sweet friend, Ju Lyn ❤️

  11. The Facebook HQ looks like a lot of fun!! I’m sorry about your dad. With my father-in-law, it his day of passing because so much happened that day, but with my grandma it her birthday. Sending you hugs! I hope that you if you haven’t heard yet about the school that you hear soon!! I’ll be praying for you and that speech! xx

    1. Thank you SO much, Amy! Thank you for empathizing- so hard to lose a loved one❤️ truly the most challenging thing in this life. I can’t wait to give an update *wink wink!!* . Have a WONDERFUL weekend ❤️ oh and thank you sooo much for those prayers!

  12. What a fun update!! Thank you for clarifying your educational path! I have been a little befuddled lolz I so hope the portal updates soon for your peace of mind and that you get a great answer!

    That Facebook tour looks SO cool! I want to come eat allthenoms & do the virtual reality tour! Your slicing technique is definitely the best I have ever seen. 😉

    Sometimes I love to just go for a walk, to listen to music and to eat while not being distracted. My life is by NO means as hectic as yours but with SO.MUCH.CHANGE this last year (buying a house, getting married, having one of my beloved kitties be diagnosed as pre-diabetic {she’s healthy tho!} and another cancer {he’s totally kicking its butt tho!}, & I’ll be turning 30 this summer {major tear face emoji} & feeling so much societal pressure for having a baby {I can’t even deal with that}), I have felt myself kind of ebbing & flowing with more mood swings, & I think it’s just because there has been so much to process. I feel bad because some days I am short and snap at my hubs, who is the sweetest human on the planet, so I’m really hoping the warmer, longer days gives me extra pep in my step and pawsitivity.

    Sending so much positive energy your way regarding your dad!!! It’s so surreal to go through losing a parent (I lost my mom 12 years ago this June) because you just can’t prepare for how you will feel. Sometimes I feel guilty because I don’t talk about her enough or feel like I am honoring her life. Sadly I didn’t think to save any voicemails from so many years ago so there’s days where I have to focus to remember her voice and mannerisms. I am sure your dad is looking down on you daily and beaming with pride for all your accomplishments at such a young age!

    I hope you have a great week!

    Much love,

    1. Hi Kaci! Lol thanks for the endorsement of my ninja skills 🙂

      Wow, I am SO honored that you would open up to me like this. Thank you so much . Girl, you had wayyyyy too much at one time! You do it all with such grace too. And do NOT feel that baby pressure- it’s one of the things that irk me the most! Everyone should be supportive of everyone’s unique path. Thankful you have such a great husband… I’ve been the same way with mine at times. They have patients of saints! But these trials also make our marriages that much stronger! Your mom would be so proud of you too. Thankful for your sweet words and friendship. Hope you have an excellent weekend! ❤️❤️

  13. Gaaaaaaaaaaah I am so behind on your blog! Life is finally slowing down so I actually have time to sit down and read. I hope you hear back soon about school. UGH stressful! Good luck with your speech (although truly, I doubt you need luck as you will do ahhhh-mazingly).

    The FB HQ stuff LOL. My cousins have a gaming system like that and they thought the best game to start me off with would be a horror one with creepy dolls and such.. I screamed so loud! You truly do forget that it’s just a headset and you aren’t actually living it!

    I’m so sorry about your dad. No matter how much time has passed, I’m sure it never gets easier. Hugs and love to you! XOXO

    1. Hello , love!!!! Thank you for stopping by!! I totally get that life- I’ve been way more MIA from blogging lately than I’d like to be. Thank you for the encouraging words!!! Can’t wait to share how it went!!! I would scream with those dolls too! Sheeeeesh that is freaky. Hahah. Thank you , Anna! Always so excited to see a comment from ya ❤️

  14. Your timeline of your nursing journey was so helpful for me, haha! I feel like I’ve followed along with it, but I don’t know if I read your blog in 2016 or if I started reading in 2017, so this was helpful!! I hope you get some answers ASAP!

  15. Your work prospects sounds very exciting, and interesting. I can understand if you’re holding your breath until you get clarity in the situation. It all sounds very exciting! I love having an impending change coming up, even though it can be scary as well. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and your encouragement 🙂 I love YOUR perspective of change. Change usually is scary, but always brings growth, learning, and excitement! Have a great weekend!

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