Friday Favorites #12

Happpppyyyy of all Fridays!!!! How are ya? It was super easy to whip up a Friday Favorites this week because there are some things I am luh-ving. This might be my favorite FF yet.

  1. A clean Patio!! I took a day to deep scrub our patio, clean the rug, wash the cushions, etc. etc. It took a while, but I am psyched to use this for the summer. It’s my little happy “feng shui” place for reading, blogging, and morning devos.



After… !


2. Blue Apron. I used to use Blue Apron when we first moved here all the time. It became a bit too pricey without discount coupons, but they sent a “we miss you” coupon in an e-mail, so I whipped up those tostadas from the last post and this pasta for DJ to have when he returned from the games lateeee at night!


3. Dolmas. Dolmas are stuffed grape leaves. I don’t know what the heck a grape leaf is (probably leaves of grapes), but I do know they are darn delicious. I could eat these suckers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I put them in sweet potatoes, eat them with tahini, and just by themselves with hummus.


4. Green Goddess Salad Dressing from Trader Joe’s. Holy canoli ravioli. Looking for an epic salad dressing that isn’t loaded with crapola??… well, here you are, look no further. You’re welcome, don’t mention it.


5. Nurse’s Week Gifts <3 The gifts below are from my sweet hubby for nurses week (last week, but you know I’m always behind on posting). This toilet paper roll is actually a study tool with real rhythms.. I am obsessed. I laughed sooo hard. Code Brown… lol.


At work they had fun little things happening all week. I was able to sneak some of the cake & we were gifted water bottles & hats. I really felt the love & appreciation!!! And that cake was a nice & needed treat while working in the neuro close observation room.


6. Summer Walks. It’s beginning to look a lot like summmmmer, everywhere you gooo!!! I love walks in the summer, and when I need to run errands I typically will walk to the store instead of drive. I usually call my grandma on my walks (she’s seriously one of my favorite people to just chat with… she cuts it to ya straight, is so wise, and always cracks me up!). But if Grandma is busy (which she is often because she has more of a social life than I do), then I’ll just listen to podcasts while soaking up the fresh air & sun.


7. Wild Wild Country. HAVE YOU WATCHED THIS YET?! DJ and I are chipping away at it slowly since our schedules don’t line up, but the moment we have a free second we watch as much as possible. It is so good. So interesting, thought provoking, and your jaw will drop to the floor many a times. If you have watched it.. I would love to chat!


8. When Breath Becomes Air. It won’t even do justice to say this is my favorite book I have ever read. It’s magnificent, a work of art, raw, and does not shy away from the difficulties of life and medicine. You will leave this book changed. The author is a surgeon who actually worked on the unit & hospital that I work for now, so it especially hit close to home. Many of my coworkers knew him personally and recommended this book to me. I have been harping my family this past week to read it… like sending nearly daily reminders. (y’all know who you are and I’m going to keep annoying you until you have read it).


9. The Couple Next Door. On a very different literary note… I love reading thrillers and mystery books that keep you guessing and theorizing the whole time. This book had so many twists, turns, and definitely was not predictable at all. The writing itself was just okay, but the plot-line was spectacular. Highly recommend (after you’ve read the one above of course).


10. Jergens Natural Glow. Recently Jergens came out with a face natural glow, and I nearly squealed with excitement in the Target isle. This stuff is amazing, it really does give a nice “glow”, I actually don’t even feel the need for any foundation or anything after using this and it doesn’t make me break out (I have very sensitive skin, so if it works for me it will work for you!).


Have a good one!!

xo <3

mack marie signature


54 thoughts on “Friday Favorites #12

  1. Oh thank you for this fun read today! I just bought the Jergens for my arms and legs as they are so pasty white (I’m working waaaaay too many hours to tan these days, not good!) Also I have never tried grape leaves which sounds good as well as your book finds! Happy Friday to you and DJ! Love you, mom

    1. Aw, hi, Mom! Isn’t Jergens just the greatest?!? I can’t believe I haven’t been using this magic for years! Oooo I will take you for some yummy dolmas and hummus next time we’re together. Love youuuu!

  2. YAY! A Mack Friday Favorites! 
Your patio is so cute! I LOVE spring cleaning. It makes everything feel so bright and fresh!
    Yay for coupons! That meal looks SO yummy!
    This should be Friday Food Favs! Oh my avocado I am SO hungry now! I LOVE stuffed grape leaves. they are so yummy and such a great snack and that green goddess dressing is legit life.
    Happy nurses week girl! You are such an amazing nurse and deserve to be celebrated EVERY day! Thank you for what you do sweets! You are a super hero! That TP is so funny! Yay for cake! That is awesome that they did fun stuff for you guys. YOU deserve it!
    Bwahaha. It is so true it is beginning to “Look a lot like Summer” Also I LOVE your version SO much better!
    Awe I LOVE that you talk to your grandmother on your walks that is so sweet! I do that a lot with my mom and sister. The bets time to talk to them and still multi tasking (alway type A lol)
    I haven’t heard of that documentary but will now have to check it out, and this ebooks look amazing too! Thanks for the recs girl!
    And YASSS!!! I LOVE Jergen’s natural glow line. It is amazing (and smells SO beachy!) and one of my favorite things to rock during the Summer. 
I loved reading this! I hope you have an amazing weekend beauty! <3

    1. Hi beauty!!! I’m breaking records- a whole 10 day delay in responding to comments. Haha. Spring cleaning is the actual best. Love love love! Oooo that’s a great idea actually- an entirely friday food faves. Imma do it! Thank you for your kindness and encouragement in nursing. I cannot tell youuuuuuu what it means.<3 <3 I hope you are having an AWESOME memorial day!

      1. Hehe girl I am right there with you…Ooops! No worries at all! It really is! Right? You would kill it with Friday Food Favorites! Awe of course! Anytime! You are a rockstar sweets and I am so proud of you! <3

  3. Happy Friday to you!! I popped a Caulipower pizza in the oven, and while it’s baking I decided to check my email- and here you are! So I had to read it right away, hope the pizza doesn’t burn, ha! We are always looking for Netflix binges- so thanks! We finished Homeland, and The Americans are winding down, so time for a new one! Yes, I read When Breath Becomes Air. Amazing that you have a connection with where he worked! Yes, it was fascinating, but I didn’t quite get why he waited so long to see a doctor! Well written for sure. But so sad, and then what? Ok well, didn’t mean to get so gloomy. Have a fantastic weekend.

    1. Hi Aunt Jean!!! ooooo do you guys like Cauliflower pizza?! Do you buy it or make it?! Yum yum! I might get some tonight for dinner now. The documentary is super fascinating- let me know what you think.

      I know, I agree about that (with him waiting so long!). I think deep down he knew what it was most likely, and getting a diagnosis just makes everything so real.

      No worries about getting gloomy! I love this convo. So as someone who literally works with neurosurgical patients, for me it was like he was able to grapple with and articulate my emotions in a way I have never been able to myself. So I resonated with a majority of the medical side of everything. And I think through having his child, and that line about her fulfilling a dying man’s wish just really got me. It was like all his reason for trying to pursue medicine, purpose, pedigree, etc. was all fulfilled through his family. I also loved his combo of literature, writing, and medicine. It was nice to see that there are so many dimensions to these surgeons I work with everyday. I could go on and on, I guess even though the book was overall not the best ending, it was super thought provoking and did not shy away from the greatest challenges of life. Thanks for this chat! Miss you! Hope you are having a great memorial day weekend 🙂

  4. You are such a healthy eater and healthy lifestyle person, I think you are the poster child for good healthy California living 😊😘👏. I stopped buying salad dressings years ago because of all the stuff that is in them that I dont understand – started making vinaigrettes at home but I am always on the lookout for healthy readymade salad dressings for those lazy days- I will check out Green goddess salad dressing from TJs!! I love love love mysteryr, thriller genres – Agatha Christie being my first intro, now I am always on the lookoiut for new mystery authors, Sue Grafton, Martha Grimes, a few others are my fav, but unfortunatley I find a lot of the newer mysteries to have poor writing which turns me off, I know I can be a snob. Will check out your TV shows and the books you liked. Thanks for the reviews! Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Kalpana!!! You just made my day, what a compliment!!! I always have one sweet a day sooo definitely not 100% healthy, but health is about balance too, right? 🙂 I bet you will love this dressing! Let me know what you think if you get around to trying it. Oh my gosh, THANK YOU for these suggestions- I need to look into these authors. Ahh! I agree a ton of the newer mysteries have great story lines but are just sooo poorly written. I need to try these books. I’m itching to go find these now. So excited! Hope you have a beautiful memorial day!

  5. Happy Friday!! I’m so jealous of your adorable patio furniture! The bean bag is so much fun and I would not have thought to use on outside. Well we’re on the jealous train, I wish I could walk to run errands. It would be amazing and probably prevent me for impulse buys lol.

    I try to avoid sun on my face so I don’t burn so I’ll need to check out Jergens Natural Glow for face once I get a little color on me. Have a fantastic weekend girl 🙂

    1. Aww girl, I actually just bought all of it online from Target and amazon- super easy finds. DJ let me go a little wild with the colors. Haha, the walking does cut down on impulse buys for sure! At least nowadays so much can be bought online, right?! Yes yes check out the Jergens natural glow! Have a perfect memorial day- I’m sure you are making the most of it!!

  6. I think this is one of my fav FF posts because “code brown tp” killed me!!!!!! I mean, c’monnnn that’s too funny.

    That mystery book sounds pretty good! I love mystery/thrillers so I might just have to give that one a whirl.

    Happy friyay!

    1. Hahahha, right?!?! He just gets my humor. So funny they are actual EKG study strips too. What are some of your favorite mystery/thrillers?! I’d love some more suggestions!

  7. I so wish you could’ve been my nurse!! I had an EKG done to check my thump thump since I underwent an ablation when I was 15. I have yet to see my results from it or my labs from 2.5 weeks ago. The RN told them to me over the phone, and one level was upsetting to me. But they gave a bogus recommendation, and I just don’t have much faith in them. You are a helluva nurse, and any patient is lucky to have you!!! I will need to read both of those books! Also, I am now craving dolmas, and that dressing looks SO good! Have such a good weekend, love. XO

    1. Aw, oh my goodness, Kori! I am so sorry you had that type of experience with that nurse… sounds like they didn’t offer any peace of mind. I hope you found out some good news since this comment <3 <3 I don't always feel like a good nurse, but I do my best.. I feel lucky to have my patients, they have changed me for the better. I am praying everything is ok… I'm gonna pop over to your blog today and see if anything is up. Have a beautiful memorial day. xoxo

      1. I still haven’t actually received my results, but I’m just moving forward from it. That office is, unfortunately, just not a great fit for me. I’ll be okay, though. Not sure how glaringly obvious it is, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I struggle when something isn’t quite right. 😉 Thank you for your sweet concern! I hope you had a very relaxing weekend, love. XO

      2. LOL… “not sure how glaringly obvious it is ” made me laugh. But I feel ya girl! Praying things just come back ok. XO

  8. The patio looks so comfy! & that Blue Apron meal looks delish! I just tried Dolmas for the first time like last month (I think?) At a restaurant. I loved them too!!! Mmm. The gifts you husband got you for Nurse’s week are so cute!! & I love the sunny photos from your summer walks!!

  9. Your patio looks awesome, what a cute little spot! We watched Wild, Wild Country and I was blown away, I can’t believe I had never heard of that group before.

    1. Thanks, Em!! <3 Isn't it crazy that we don't ever talk about that Cult in schools or anything? It's insane what happened… I'm flabbergasted I've never heard of them before too. We have a couple episodes left, it's sooo fascinating. Have a great memorial day!

    1. Aww, thank you for the sweet words always, Kimberlee! I hope you had some fun cleaning up your space 🙂

      Also, still thinking and praying for you <3 I hope things are turning up and you are finding some time for rest. xoxo

      1. Thank you for thinking of me, Mackenzie…I just got back from a wonderful road trip up country where I got to visit three wineries and enjoy 30+ Celsius temperatures…Dad is home from the hospital now, I’ve reached out and have asked for more homecare help from the community resources available to us and it’s helping!

      2. Wow that sounds like an INCREDIBLE trip. So glad you were able to get away for a bit and enjoy some nice weather. It’s funny to me hearing something in celsius instead of Fahrenheit, but thank goodness for google so I could translate…tehe.

        What great news!!! I am SO SO happy that he is back home now and you are getting support for him. That’s so good to hear, Kimberlee. You are an amazing daughter. Sending big hugs! XO

      3. Thank you so much for your lovely words…I just posted Part 1 of our journey (and it looks like I’ll have to pop by & catch up with your recent journeys!), I hope you can stop by for a read!

  10. I love that you have a happy place for reading and blogging etc! Summer walks are definitely on my favourites too. But I need to get on this podcast hype. A walk and a podcast sounds DREAMY. I hope you are having the best week ever!

  11. Your patio looks so cozy and happy! I love it! Also, how sweet are those nurse’s week gifts! I think I got an idea from your blog for a gift for my sister before (it was a wooden spoon that said “nurse by day, chef by night”) and she loved it. You have all the best nurse gift ideas here, girlie! Also, summer walks + podcasts = the best!

    1. Thank you, Allie! Ahhh! I’m so excited she liked it. Wooohooo! Thanks for sharing that with me 🙂 What are some of your favorite podcasts?!

      1. Oh man, I have a million Podcasts I love! The Sorta Awesome Podcast, The Birth Hour, Fearless Rebelle Radio, The Glorious in the Mundane, Women’s Work, Daily Hope with Rick Warren, Southeast Christian Audio Podcast, Pregnancy Podcast, Pure Dog Talk, and Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids. How about you?!

      2. I need to get on some of these ASAP! I love Beautiful Anonymous, Unresolved (I’m a sucker for unsolved mysteries), Serial, and some silly young adult ones like off the vine. I also love listening to our Church’s because I work most weekends.

  12. I LOOOOOVE how your patio looks after!!! So chic and cuteee!
    The green goodness salad dressing looks a lot like Mexican green salsa lol. I would love to try it but I never go to Trader Joe’s lol.
    And even though I’m like a million years late, Happy Nurse Week! (Is that really a phrase people say??) I’m sure you’re a fantastic nurse, otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are now 🙂 Keep up the amazing work, and take it easy on those particularly difficult days 🙂
    I’ve never heard of Wild Wild Country, but the cover is intriguing. I’ll have to check it out.
    And how cool that the author of that book worked at the same hospital as you! That’s incredible! Small world! 🙂
    Have an amazing weekend!! 🙂
    And also, it was nice seeing you last weekend! 😀

    1. Thank ya, beauty!!!!! It’s my little spot that DJ lets me just go wild with the weird colors and patterns and what not haha. It totally looks like mexican salsa, baha, I didn’t even think of that, but you’re right! I will always take a Happy Nurses week <3 So thank you so much! Ok being from Portland, you will be so fascinated by WWC. When you watch, let's discuss. It's ridiculously intriguing! And SOOO good seeing you too. That trip & it's fun memories has kept me going through a tough work week! XOX

      1. I read mostly poetry today, especially Singaporean poetry – I am actually quite thrilled that we have quite a body of work now. Also, I like Young Adult fantasy – Julie Kagawa, Cassandra Clare.

      2. Oooo I will have to check those out!!! Also- I was excited to tell you- DJ and I were on a walk yesterday and we saw a Singapore Cuisine restaurant!! I told DJ we have to try it ASAP

  13. I haven’t tried dolmas before, but I’m adding them to my list! I haven’t watched that show, but I’m always looking for something interesting. I had that book on my reading list at one point, but the waiting list was a bit long. That’s really cool that the doctor used to work in the same hospital and unit as you. It’s always nice to hear that the author was well respected. I could use a little glow, I’ll have to look into that lotion. I always worry about turning orange.

    1. Oooo definitely add them to the list! They are just so tasty, especially with hummus or tahini. I hope you can read the book soon! I wish I had a copy to share, but I actually just got the kindle version. This lotion won’t turn you orange! That’s always my fear too. This stuff is the real deal 🙂

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