Take Us Out to the Ball Game!

Hi, Friends! Speaking of Friends… I started the TV series for the first time. They are taking it off Netflix in 2020, and my friend Sara has been begging me to watch it. So it’s now or never! I’ve tried once before- and couldn’t get halfway through the first episode. She said to give it five and then make a decision. I am on episode 2 and already liking it a bit more than the first time around. I love having something light and fluffy to watch in the background of working on case studies, other assignments, etc. because the school content/life feels pretty overwhelming right now. It creates a nice balance.  When life itself feels stressful I tend to enjoy comedies and baking shows (that’s specific) even more- and when life is feeling more day-to-day or easy going I crave more dramatic shows.

I’m already digressing, and I haven’t even begun the post, haha. So where were we? June 10th was back to reality. My sister and I hunkered down at Peets and enjoyed our coffee while I studied and she worked on her to-do list.


We came home early and whipped up some chicken and cheese quesadillas for DJ.


For ourselves, we enjoyed some roasted asparagus, a seafood blend from Trader Joe’s, and some cauliflower mashed potatoes. Plus, (not pictured) but my sister made some absolutely to-die-for lentil stew. I have to get the recipe from her to share it here.


On the morning of July 11th we enjoyed acai bowls with lotsa cashews, PB, and strawberries.


And off to studying we go! We went to Philz coffee this time. I have always been “anti-Philz” because their coffee literally makes me shake (and I’m loyal to ol’ Peets). But we wanted to have a change of pace and gave it a go. We actually loved it- and since we both got decaf we didn’t get the coffee jitters. It was quite delicious!


I also love that they offer oat milk! This was my first time trying it, and this might be my favorite milk alternative. It’s so wonderfully creamy.


In the evening, it was Bachelorette night! We wrapped up around 6 pm at Philz and headed home to make dinner. Halston’s good friend (and basically my other little sister), Marissa, moved to the area the week prior. Since she is a big Bachelor franchise fan too, she came by our apartment, and I made us all tacos (half regular/half vegan) with all the fixin’s to gear up for the show. Can you guess which is which? It was such a fun night! I’m on the edge of my seat for the finale tomorrow..


On June 12th we worked at Starbucks for the day and then went to an impromptu SJ Giants game since we finished up everything we had set to do!


We walked around scoping out where we’d want to eat. Decisions, decisions, decisions!


We settled on Turkey Mike’s for food… usually the go-to.


We even got featured on their Instagram page with all our yums in hand!


Found our seats!


We loved our veggie subs… but I always particularly look forward to the coleslaw and baked beans from the stadium.


We then popped into the press box to say hi to DJ & I took him a hot dog..Naturally, I had to get a photo of it before giving it to him- haha. He’s a trooper.


And now- for the star of the show- The ever-so famous San Jose Churro!!!


These are a “must” try if you go to a game. People say these churros are better than Disney World’s. I have never actually tried a churro before (That I can remember?), so I didn’t know much what to expect.


It was tasty! I don’t know that personally I would go out of my way to have one- I think I’d prefer just enjoying an ice cream cone or garlic fries, but if you do like churros- these are the ones to try!


And last up on the list- Somi Somi! Halston wanted to save this place for her last stop before flying out the next morning.


It did not disappoint! I am forever convinced this is the best ice cream treat you can ever have.


On June 13th, I had to drop Halston off at the airport- talk about a sad morning! But it helped knowing I would see her again in a month 🙂 I started the morning with an acai bowl again.


Then I went to Philz in the afternoon to study with Smalls. I guess I can’t honestly say I don’t like Philz anymore, hehe.


In the afternoon I enjoyed some tilapia with asparagus and a murasaki potato with vegan butter and Fage.


The next few days were just a ton of studying and packing. I’m still on my stuffed sweet potato kick as an afternoon snack with vegan cheese, boca crumbles, an unnatural amount of jalapeños and Fage.


On June 16th I was able to make it outside for my traditional walk route. I will say I am so excited to find a new route here! There is a river right near us, so I think that will be the place to start looking for one.


On June 17th, I worked hard all day on school work, and then since I hit a mental wall, I texted Tammy to see if she could come over to watch the Bachelorette! Right before, I ate a dinner of tilapia, murasaki potato and a ton of roasted veggies.

8ac74fe7-ff30-4f03-b9a2-fe339fd5fc81During a commercial break, we tried out some face masks Tammy bought over. We laughed pretty hard at how the mask refused to stay on my face, and every time I breathed the mask around my nostrils would flare in and out. bahah. But the face mask did feel amazing! Even the next day my skin felt silky smooth. They are called 111 Skin Rose Gold.I added an Amazon affiliate link here if you’re interested!


June 18th, back to Philz I gooo.

e8be47ab-302d-43b4-a243-a43a3bc3f3adMidday for a change of scenery I went to our apartment conference room to study. 92f9e0aa-1a7e-43fc-a255-12580e9904c0

I think I forgot to mention this, but funny(ish) story- I was trying to use up everything in our fridge/pantry before the move. I had a chicken-based dish I wanted to make for DJ later in the week and just needed a couple chicken breasts. Since he was going to the store I asked if he could pick a pack up. He got a large, I mean massive, super-sized pack of chicken … a week and a half before the move, lol. I cracked up when I saw it, and he was like, “What? You said to pick up a pack of chicken!”. I soo appreciated his effort- he just went a bit above and beyond (with enough to feed an army), but it gave us a good chuckle … or shall I say cluckle . 🐔 Anyways, I had to get creative to use it up, so for dinner one evening I made him some chicken tacos instead of beef- same ingredients otherwise. I didn’t know if it’d throw the whole taco off, but he actually really enjoyed them!


I was craving my garden bowl per usual. This is definitely my summer go-to.


On June 19th I made BBQ chicken with rice and a wedge salad.


Eating amongst the boxes.


Time to get back to studying!
Questions for you:

  • Do you like the show Friends?
  • Best churro you have ever had?

xo <3

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68 thoughts on “Take Us Out to the Ball Game!

  1. I am a big time Friends’ fan… Big time 🙂 I’ve seen every episode several times 😛 I once sooooo wanted to be Phoebe LOL

    1. hahah YES Phoebe is my favorite!!!! I laugh out loud at some of her scenes! Plus she has the best heart.

  2. I can’t believe you’ve only just started watching Friends Mack! I wouldn’t say I’m a big fan, it’s on tv all the time over here in the UK so it’s on in the background a lot and it always seems to be the same episodes they show 😂😂 I do like the show though, when I’m in the mood for it and it is quite nice to just have on as some background noise etc! Who’s your favourite character so far?

    That Churro looks pretty yummy, I’ve never had one before either, or garlic fries which sound absolutely Heavenly!

    Watching Bacholerette and doing face masks sounds like the perfect girlie evening ❤️ I love nights like those with friends! And the face mask looks pretty cool and sounds like it left good results, even if it did struggle to stay on your face! 😂

    Also love the pretty flower pictures! So bright and cheerful!

    Have the best week Mack ❤️

    1. hahah I am a BIT behind on the Friends train to say the least, lol! It’s definitely the type of show you have to be in the mood for- nice and light !! My favorite character is Phoebe for sure! How about you?

      Garlic fries at the stadium are my weakness- I LOVE them.

      haha that face mask was cracking us up! It stayed on Tammy’s no issue, so I don’t know what the deal is with my face. Maybe mine is oddly shaped and I didn’t even know- lol!!

      Thank you so much for stopping in 🙂 Have a great week, love! OXO

  3. I’ve never had a Churro… I may need to …someday soon. Lol!

    Friends was on at my house back in the day. I always had to see Rachel’s (Jennifer Aniston) hair cut.

    Lots of yummy treats and great ideas for using up the chicken!

    Have a beautiful week my friend and continued prayers for school and the move!

    1. Hope you get to try one soon 🙂

      Hehe- I love that!!! I am actually watching it right now in the background! Is Rachel your favorite character?

      Thank you so much for the prayers- can’t tell you how much they mean!! <3

  4. I bought a package of chicken, you didn’t say how much chicken had to be in the package! But there are so many great recipes for chicken and they can taste so different depending on how you season it.

    I’ve never had a churro either. I’m not sure I’m motivated to try it either. I always think they would taste like a doughnut to me, and I don’t like doughnuts

    hope the end of your class is going smoothly and you get a bit of down time before your next class

    1. LOL! Exactly! He definitely delivered! I totally agree- Chicken is so versatile!

      Yeah, if you don’t like doughnuts I wouldn’t recommend it. I would compare it maybe to a funnel cake flavor!

      thank you so much!! Have a great weekend

  5. Baseball AND Peet’s?! It’s like you wrote this one just for me haha.

    I LOVED Friends when it originally came out, but for some reason I find the humor to be dated now. It’s weird, because I still love other old shows like Seinfeld and The Simpsons but I can’t go back to Friends. I tried.

    1. hahah yessss!! Hope you can grab some Peet’s when you’re in CA!

      I totalllly know what you mean. The humor relative to the humor in modern day shows definitely does feel like it’s maybe not as funny as it was at the original air time. I really appreciate tongue-in-cheek humor (like The Office)- where Friends is more outright. But I am enjoying it! It probably helps that it’s my first time watching since there is that level of suspense with the story line still. Thanks for reading, Ralph!

      1. Oh, I will DEFINITELY grab some Peet’s. I start my mornings there by walking with my dad and getting some from the grocery store that has a Peet’s inside. 😀

    1. Thanks Kathy! It’s my go-to on a hot summer day. So refreshing! Have a great weekend, friend 🙂

  6. I hope you enjoy the Friends TV series. When I first tried to watch it, I wasn’t that into it. But when I tried again, I ended up loving it. I flew through seasons. This was before Netflix, so I was literally buying a new season on DVD every couple days LOL. I’ve been wanting to actually rewatch the entire series.

    1. Hi, Ashley! We are in that same boat–I am definitely enjoying it more than the first time around! I love that you even invested in it on DVD- I hear it gets better as it goes on, and I’m finding that to be true too! Thanks for stopping in 🙂 Have such a great weekend!

  7. I’m not sure I’ve had a traditional churo before, but are they are light, cinnamon-y dough? It looks delicious and fun to at least try! But I’m with you on wanting an ice cream cone or garlic fries instead.

    All of the stadium food looks sooooo good!

    You know how much I *love* coffee, but I hate the coffee jitters. Or getting an upset stomach thanks to IBS. Sheesh. But I generally know how much I can handle. I’ve been trying oat milk in my lattes, and it’s my fav dairy-alternative too!

    I have seen a number of Friends episodes, but I never got hooked. Kaci and Drew watched through all of the seasons together, though, and they love the show.

    Hahahaha poor Dj. A for effort, C- for outcome 😉 “The hought that counts” definitely applied here!

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes!! you described it spot on! It’s almost like a light version of a funnel cake in terms of flavor.

      Ahhh yes! I am obsessssed with oat milk now. I’m trying a new coffee shop this AM to study.. gonna leave in a couple minutes.. so I’m hoping they have some because I’m craving it!

      Hahah yessss definitely A for effort- at least he got the right thing- and we were actually able to use it all up, so it worked out! I haven’t bought it since until this week though to give him a break from the chicken lol!

      Thanks for reading, Kori 🙂

      1. I would love to try an authentic one!

        Same! It’s so creamy. 😋

        That’s so awesome that it worked out well!

        Always! ❤️

  8. I can’t really get into friends even though I’ve tried like 20 episodes! But you’re right its a good ‘background show’. I also use Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory and B99 as my background! Urgh I love oat milk! Its so delish!! I am guessing the bottom one is vegan? Am I right? HAHA THE ODYSSEY HAS HOT DOG? HAHAHA! Very nice finding a walking route, its one of those things you don’t think about but is actually really useful! Your meals are so fresh and healthy daaamn! Woah, those face masks are the ones I always see models use, its so freaking expensive! I’ve never really been a fan of churros, I’ve tried a few and don’t mind it but wouldn’t go out of my way to get it for sureee!

    1. Haha- I am still unsure if I’ll be able to make it through… I’m on episode 13 right now and I don’t find myself “craving” the next episode like I do with a lot of shows. I want to love it though! A lot of people have told me I would love The Big Bang- I’ll have to check that one out soon! Yes yes you are correct- the bottom one is the vegan tacos!

      It was so nice of my friend to share one of those masks with me!

      And I felt the exact same way about churros. I feel like it would actually be good with coffee (I love sweet airy things like that with coffee)- but you don’t see people sitting around coffee shops with massive churros, lol! Thanks for reading, Cordelia! I always love your comments. <3

      1. HAHAH, its okay, I think it’ll be a good show to just place n the BG. YES I GOT IT RIGHT! OMG that’s actually a really good idea, a churro with a nice frothy milk on top of the coffee MMMM. I can already imagine it. Aww, thank you!! 😍

      2. hehe you did!! And glad you think it sounds yummy too 🙂 Have a great rest of your week, Cordelia!

  9. I feel as though I must have lived under a rock, because I never watched Friends. HA! Speaking of good series though, Nate and I are rewatching “Lost” (which is obviously a very different genre than Friends. Ha, ha. But I’d forgotten how good the show is)!
    My sister can’t do dairy, and she absolutely raves about oat milk. I’ve never tried it, but she says it’s her favorite substitute!! 🙂
    Your description of your mask was too funny, because that always happens to me! HA!!! I just did a sheet mask a few days ago, but it sadly made me break out super bad (which is very unlike me). I think it’s just the brand I used, because usually I do fine with any masks I use. I’ll have to try these sometime!
    I hope your studying goes really well!! 🙂

    1. haha I felt the same way! With them taking it off Netflix I felt the obligation to give it at least a real chance! Lost is SO good! I actually don’t think I finished it- when it started getting kinda sci-fi-ish I lost interest, but I was obsessed back in the day. Hmmm now I’m interested in finishing it back up or restarting it– I don’t think DJ has ever watched so maybe we could go back through it together!

      Ohhhh yess I feel like oat milk is one of those things that once you try it, nothing beats it!

      OH no!! I am always worried about that with face masks too-my skin is soo sensitive. Hope you can find a nice one soon that doesn’t have anything but good effects!

      Thanks so much, Nicole 🙂 Have a great weekend ahead!

  10. First of all, your food pictures always look so good! I have major food envy! Lol

    I love Friends!! My sister in law is obsessed. We used to live in the same apartment building and she would come over after work and watch it with me for hours! I have such great memories related to Friends. I’m so sad it will be leaving Netflix. 😔 I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Aw thank you so much, Hayley!! <3 Hope you get some good noms this weekend 🙂

      Awwww that is so sweet! I cannot imagine a better situation to watch Friends! I bet those were some awesome memories.

      Thanks for reading 🙂

  11. I loooooooooooooooooove Friends!!!!! So good. It gets better as the seasons progress.

    What was the other question? I’m so tired I forgot already. Let me scroll back up. Oh churros! I looooooove churros but have only ever had them from two places. The churro cart on Olvera Street in Los Angeles and (don’t laugh) Del Taco. The Del Taco churros are actually pretty darn tasty and I think they’re on the dollar menu. LOL

    You and your sister are TOO cute together.

    I really want that wedge salad right now.

    Could you tell us more about that somi somi? LOL

    1. Aw that’s good to know! I am enjoying it more than when I started for sure. Still waiting for the bug to bite me where I can say I love it.. but hopefully we’ll be there soon!

      Hehe I always love your comments! Those churros you had in LA sound great- I will have to remember that street name! And DJ loves Del Taco!! I have never had it, but totally gonna try their churros next time we find one 😍 thanks for sharing with me !! And for your sweet words!

      Somi Somi is a Japanese inspired custard – it is eaten with “taiyaki” which is a type of cone that’s hard to describe… but seriously one of the greatest tasting things in the world. You can fill the cone with Nutella, custard, etc! The custard itself is sooooo thick and creamy. I’ve never had anything like it!

  12. Sister time is soooo precious!
    To answer your questions:

    1) I used to watch Friends when they first aired, more like in the background, kinda like you do. When it appeared on Netflix, I tried to watch it again, but for some reason found it quite difficult to get into. I’ve noticed this phenomenon when I try to rewatch old favourites. I don’t tend to like them quite as much (even though I can’t hardly remember what happened before)

    2) Our favourite churros have always been Disney park churros (is that very boring & predictable?)

    1. It really is!! ❤️

      Totallllly relate to your feelings on this! I have a really hard time rewatching or re-reading anything at all… the suspense and “magic” feels lost when you know what’s going to happen I feel.. I am getting more into Friends, but don’t find myself “craving” it like I do other shows , but I’m going to try to stick it out at least the first season!

      Hehe not at all!!! It’s the popular vote for a reason! But if you are ever in the SJ area I’d be curious how these add up 🙂 thanks for reading, friend 🤗 Have a great weekend!

  13. A wonderful journey with you, Marie. Always a pleasure reading the beautiful anecdotes. The funniest part was, “feeding the army”… I really appreciate your sense of humor and how you concentrate on your studies too. Best wishes, always!

    1. Aw thank you so much, Amitav!! This is so kind of you!! Glad you appreciate my little nuggets of humor, hehe. That means a lot. Best wishes to you as well, friend!

    1. Haha yesss – when you have the board game that means you are a true fan 😉 (we have the office board game, lol!). Have a great weekend, Carly!

  14. I watched Friends in its original airing, but definitely not all of them and probably less and less as it went on. That’s so interesting about oat milk. I don’t go out much for coffee, but I’ve tried both coconut and almond milk at home and it just doesn’t add the same level of creaminess as regular cream. I’m really trying to cut down or out dairy so an alternative would be great. I’ve had churros (probably at Disney or a fair). I do think they’re tasty but not my first dessert choice. Those blooms are so gorgeous!!! How do you make you sweet potato? I’m in a sweet potoato phase but have the hardest time getting the inside soft enough! lol.

    1. Yeah it’s good, but I’m not finding myself dying to see the next episode. It is great in the background though!

      Ohhhhh I think you’d love Oat Milk!! It’s wonderful- the creamy factor makes it!

      Churros aren’t my first choice either- I think you like them or you don’t!

      Ok.. so probably not the healthiest way to make them, but usually when I’m in a rush I stab them a million time with a fork.. put in a bowl filled with water.. cook 6 mins one side in the microwave, flip in the water and then an additional 6! It is perfect every time! Thanks for reading, Amy 🙂

      1. I was doing the million hole poke in the microwave but wrapped in a damp paper towel. I’ll have to give the water bowl a try!! Thanks!!

      2. Of course!!! I hope it works out well for you 🙂 I saw someone post yesterday about making them in bulk in the crockpot- seems like a great way, so I may try that out soon!

  15. I think Friends is like most sitcoms where it takes a few episodes to really get into it. Almost like the show wasn’t sure if they would get picked up by a network so they didn’t give the first couple episode their A game. Just my personal theory though haha.

    That’s so nice you and Halston were able to make it to a baseball game instead of just working on your to do lists. Sounds like you had a great time with a ton of yummy food!!

    If you ever need a quick dessert to keep on hand, Trader Joe’s has mini frozen churros that you just pop in the oven. Very cute for a little something after dinner or to serve to a last minute guest. Although I haven’t been to TJs in a while so now I’m really hoping they still sell them… Don’t hate me if they don’t!

    1. Ohhh I think you may be right– It’s definitely getting better as it goes along!

      It was definitely a memorable day- I’m thankful for that time we had!

      Oh my gosh!! That’s so good to know!! When I was in OH I grabbed some mini churros from Aldi for the bridal party, but forgot them at Clair’s before I left for the party so I never got the chance to try them. Those sounds awesome. I am definitely going to keep an eye out! Thanks for telling me about them 🙂 Have a great Saturday, Maureen!

  16. I love FRIENDS and have actually watched it quite a few times. I also like having it on as light background noise when I’m doing something else. I hope you end up loving it!

    1. Yesss !! It’s the best background show- I hope to watch through a lot of it when I finally finish this crazy semester! Have a great weekend, Jess 🙂

    1. Hi beautiful! I have never had a churro in caramel sauce, but that sounds like a dream 😍 keeping an eye out for that! Thanks for reading, Chloe! Have a great weekend 🙂

  17. I thought I was the only one who never saw “Friends” in its heyday or afterward. I was admiring that churro, and I’m thinking that years ago Taco Bell might have featured that on their menu, but it has been eons since I ate at Taco Bell though. We used to have a produce market that had churro chips – they were triangular-shaped, about the size of a Dorito chip. They were lightly dusted with cinnamon and brown sugar- wonderful! I haven’t thought of yummy churros or churro chips in ages.

    1. You are not alone! I’ve tried to get into it .. I’m giving it to the end of the season but I just don’t find myself “craving” it.
      Ohhhh I think you are right about Tbell! That was one of our date spots in high school- I loved their quesadilla ! But I feel like I do remember churros! I have to look this up now! 👀

      Those churro chips sound DELICIOUS!!! 😋

      1. Well, I thought maybe I was too old for it when it began (I was in my late 30s) and I already followed other shows which aired in the 10:00 p.m. hour (sometimes 3 shows I liked and had two VCRs and taped two shows and stayed up to watch the other one “live” … I didn’t want to have too many shows to follow so never got into it. It was bad enough ending up with a bunch of VCRs of taped shows and needing to watch them. I actually never watched “Cheers” either and I think EVERYONE watched “Cheers” … it seemed there was only so much you could watch and then play back (it was VCRs at that time) or you’d be parked in front of the TV all the time.

      2. I never watched Cheers either! I guess it’s one of those things that we will pick up references because they are said so often in the general public , but like you said- when it’s not in its “hayday” it’s not quite as fun!

  18. Oh man, I am loving the amount of jalapenos you’ve got on one of your meals. Yum!

    I love Friends so much! I had the same reaction as you though when I first watched. The first episode is not very good at all. It really does get better as it goes on though. I’ve watched the show all the way through twice now, and I will be soon starting over for a third time. 😛 Once it leaves Netflix I am definitely going to be buying the box set.

    1. Hehe- cannot ever have too many jalapenos!!

      That’s so good to know you felt the same way! I’ve decided I am going to give it through the first season and then make a judgement call. Sounds like you are a true fan and definitely need to own that box set 🙂 thanks for reading, Britney!

  19. I love Friends! I’m so sad they’re removing the show from Netflix. not cool! Those vegan tacos look amazing! Perfect for indulging during the Bachelorette! I’m unsure if I’ve had a churro, mainly because they’re usually not GF but they look delicious!!!!

    1. Hi, Shan!! I am considering making the vegan tacos a bachelorette night staple- but now with four hours a week I don’t think I can eat that many tacos- lol!!

      Ohh they should make some GF ones! I hope you can find some one day!

  20. Oh my goodness, Friends is my favorite TV show…ever! I hope you are loving it. I’m addicted to everything about Friends lol. It’s just such a relatable, kind of throwback, but down to earth show. <3
    Okay so I am SO curious about oak milk! I've been hearing a lot about it! Is it close to the creaminess of cow's milk? Or at least creamier than almond? It sounds good!
    Thanks for sharing, Mack! I hope August is treating you well. <3

    1. Hehe- it’s definitely a hoot (and SO relatable)! I find that I’m not itching to watch it like other shows- but part of that is because I actually don’t usually enjoy watching comedies on my own.. either way I’m giving it a full season!! I feel like I’m missing out on a cultural cornerstone!

      Ahhhh yesss!! Oat milk is SOO much more creamy- I was shocked at just how creamy it was!! Hope you can try soon <3 Thanks for reading, Courtney & I hope you are having a beautiful start to the month too! XO

  21. I have NEVER watched friends and its funny that you couldn’t get into it at first. I’m like that with some shows. My brother has told me it’s actually pretty funny. Idk though it doesnt seem like my kind of show but who knows maybe I’ll give it a shot.
    I seriously still need to try an acai bowl. It just looks super good and healthy lol
    For the tacos, is the top one regular? Bottom vegan? Lol just taking a guess here lol
    How cool they featured you in their insta! That’s awesome! Andni swear everytime I see you and your sister together side by side you look like twins (almost).
    Churros are myfaveeeeeeeee!!!!!
    I’m totally going to somi somi in SF!
    Awh man you were all go, go, go with studying after your sister left! How do you do it??
    We’ve done the same where we make tacos of different meats even tofu but same seasoning and its always good! Lol
    Best churro I’ve ever had? Idk I have had many mediocre ones. I still havent found the one lol. I might have in a food cart pod at some night market but cant remember.

    1. If you ever get into Friends you’ll have to let me know! I just cannot get on board as much as I’d like to. I kinda fell off of watching it- oh well! At least I tried haha.

      You got the tacos right! Good guess 😉

      Hehe- that’s so funny ! We definitely look more alike as we grow older. We looked nothing alike when we were younger though.

      Somi Somi is a MUST. Put it at the tippy top of your list. It’s actually in Cupertino (about an hour outside of SF, but if you go toward SJ you will pass it).

      Girl, I don’t know how I survived this summer- truly the grace of God haha… I am so tired, and I start my next semester Monday. May I request one more day off please? Lol.

      Ohhhh I would be so curious your thoughts on the SJ churro. You should totally do a day in San Jose to see a minor league game, get some bomb churros, then follow it up with Somi Somi!

      Thanks for reading, Rossy 🙂 Hope you’re having such a nice weekend!!

      1. Haha did you really? How far did you get? Maybe I’ll give the first episode a watch and see what I think about it.
        Oh okay well I’m definitely willing to make a drive for a good dessert lol
        Awwwh I wish you more time and patience!!!! I think you can get through this next semester too! You can do it!!
        Ooh good idea!! Were not into sports but maybe we could go sight seeing. It would be pretty cool. Alex might go to SF at the end of September to see a show. Not sure yet. I dont think we can both go.

      2. I think into the second season. Right now I have basically no time to do anything but study so I wouldn’t be able to watch anyways even if I wanted to, lol. AHHHH. Such a tough semester! Let me know what you think if you start it!

        Aw thank you for your encouragement!!! I need it greatly right now. It’s like you knew what I needed to hear!

        Ohhh well if he does go I am curious how he likes it & what he does! Hope you are so well, gf <3 Miss ya!

      3. Awh I’m sorry girly!
        Hang in there!💜💜💜
        I will always be here if you need a quick chat! DM on IG and let your frustrations out.
        He said hes not going anymore but for a while he was haha. There’s a show coming up from a band we like but they told someone on IG that they would come back to the states next year after they release their album so we might take our chances and risk it. Hopefully they come to our city or Seattle. That way Alex and I can drive there lol.
        Awh I miss ya too! I hope you are doing well!

      4. Thanks so much, Rossy! I had my first big exam yesterday and already feel better. Thank you — I know I can be real with you and I so appreciate it ❤️

        Ohhh I hope they do!!! That sounds like the perfect scenario!

        You too, girl. 💕

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